Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Adventures of Wonder Girl (in St.George)!

Alright so here's the stories as promised.Ok so we got to the apartment or condo after a long drive in which Ayva and Emma somehow came to a conclusion we were staying in a mansion which they soon discovered wasn't true but they were thrilled about the condo anyway.So grandpa discovered a bat just hangin out right outside the condo it was asleep so all the kids would go look at it and it would move and all the kids would run away screaming reapeatedly,take that nap takers on the lower level.Anyway to top that I went to Tuahcaun that night to see Aida now that was cool there was a camel and we were practically in the front row wow wow wow.Next day Bear Paw Cafe I highly reccomend it next time you go to St.George and across the street has a statue garden,so pretty!then Caleb and I went to the expo with our mom and dad then went home and went to the pool!Next day we went to the race they all did great and we all got ice cream!We spent the rest of that day playing jungle outside with the kids and the pets were snails in-fact we found 30 snails and me and Caleb found a lizard and our master plan I would brush it off with a stick anCaleb would catch it instead I wacked it with a stick and it ran away.We tied together our last day with Texas Roadhouse and waited for the long drive back.

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