Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am Thankful For (Although I'm Pretty Sure Nobody reads my blog)

Alright I am a person who will start belting out with laughter when someone says "Nothing is Impossible" and then I will start telling them what is impossible and then her friend will start saying"But in the Future..." and so I am the thankful for the quote a guy in my class told us when we were talking abut revolving doors and how rich people are nice and how people who pretend to have a lot of a money are jerks and then our teacher told us that her dad always pretends he has a lot of money and then told us her dad is a jerk and this all started by talking about if you work hard you can be anything can be accomplished.So anyway here is the quote "People who say anything is possible have never tried to slam a revolving door". And I am a believer in that quote because there are some things that just aren't possible ( like beating level four of my very addicting video game ).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What I Like About You,No Not You

Alright so I know I have to think of things I am thankful for,but I am not the type of person that does that. I am the type of person who at church in a small stuffy room,will be asked by her teacher to write a list of things she is thankful for and think up a few simple things,draw a picture see that her teacher is satisfied and then church will be dismissed and she will go to her house set them on her floor and they will end up under her bed like all of her lost things do then if she does ever somehow find it it will end up in the garbage that is the kind of fabulous person I am and my family embraces it,and so do I. My friends embrace it,and so do I. My teachers embrace it and so do I. So I guess what I'm saying is I am myself and I am I and I love that I and so does everyone else.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Little Things

You have never truly seen beauty if you haven't seen the sun set or a waterfall or a baby laugh or a blizzard or even the starry night sky,without really noticing the true beauty. When you're sick you notice these things and take pleasure in the little things. The last few days I have noticed things I have never noticed before. How curious I find it that if you take time to notice the world has lots to offer.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Some pics related very much to St.George

Tuahcaun (Aida)

The Race

Everybody say "Bear Paw"

Statue Gardens

Thursday, October 15, 2009

To the Zoo

Today we went to the Hogle Zoo! Megan saw lots of kitties (lions,meerkats,cougars,tigers,they were all the same to her.)Emma saw the baby elephant,Zuri,the cutest elephant ever. Caleb was bummed there were no crocodiles although he loved the snakes. Mom liked it but had a hard time keeping up with me Caleb and Emma.Me,I saw the Giraffes my favorite animals and I was looking at the sign and it said,Birth Announcement Baby Giraffe! Born July,30,2009.I thought something was special about that hmmmm my birthday!!! July,30 was my birthday my favorite animal,born my birthday whoooo I practically screamed "It's my Giraffe". The Giraffe's name is Jumar it is sooooooooooooo cute.So we took a trip to the gift shop and I got a stuffed animal giraffe baby and the kids got some other stuff and we went to noodles and co. On the way there we were trying to think of a name and mom said "noodles" it was the magic word it was the one that clicked it was going to be my giraffes name both real and fake I decided that it was my giraffe and I would name it.So we went to noodles then to the park then to get pumpkins and then home to write this. What a fun day and I can thank my awesome mom for it!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Adventures of Wonder Girl (in St.George)!

Alright so here's the stories as promised.Ok so we got to the apartment or condo after a long drive in which Ayva and Emma somehow came to a conclusion we were staying in a mansion which they soon discovered wasn't true but they were thrilled about the condo anyway.So grandpa discovered a bat just hangin out right outside the condo it was asleep so all the kids would go look at it and it would move and all the kids would run away screaming reapeatedly,take that nap takers on the lower level.Anyway to top that I went to Tuahcaun that night to see Aida now that was cool there was a camel and we were practically in the front row wow wow wow.Next day Bear Paw Cafe I highly reccomend it next time you go to St.George and across the street has a statue garden,so pretty!then Caleb and I went to the expo with our mom and dad then went home and went to the pool!Next day we went to the race they all did great and we all got ice cream!We spent the rest of that day playing jungle outside with the kids and the pets were snails in-fact we found 30 snails and me and Caleb found a lizard and our master plan I would brush it off with a stick anCaleb would catch it instead I wacked it with a stick and it ran away.We tied together our last day with Texas Roadhouse and waited for the long drive back.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wait this isn't supposed to happen?

Today it snowed,because the weather man on K.S.L said so. It rained, snowed and pelted us with hail non-stop it is still going.It is fall and I say it shouldn't snow,but the weather man on K.S.L
said so,so it is snowing. The weather man on K.S.L crushed my dreams of fall because he said so,and now I have to freeze my but-off at recess because the weather man on K.S.L said so.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


So on Thurs. I am leaving to St.George so when I do I will tell you more of my many crazy adventures that are bound to happen now or tomorrow in weeks months or possibly years.So anyway I was thinking maybe possibly probably I might try out for the talent show that is just in front of my class but that is thirty one people which I am thinking is kind of sort of a lot so I am kinda nervous but any way tips or suggestions anyone I am begging you tell me in any shape or form. Just another thought my life is busy so um I would like you to know I am really trying to post more often. So anyway tips please and thank you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh Dear

school started, I had a pretty busy this summer so I haven't had time to

Friday, July 3, 2009

I wanna go!

Today well actually this morning I had just woken up when I heard my mom talking. I decided that I would stay quiet and not get out of bed unless I had to. As I started dozing off the only words I managed to catch was... Vicki Jonas and Free. As I started putting the pieces together I realized my mom was talking to Vicki and we were getting free jonas brothers tickets to the stadium of fire.I shot up out of bed ran into my mom's room and waited for her to be done on the phone and said"What I wanna go"and so I am going for free yipeeeeeeee!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


No matter how hard I try I can't get those kids to listen to me so I gave up and here I am the kids are in the background watching cakecake so i was bored my mom won't be back until 1:00 and I'm bored so there you have it the newest on me.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Stuff I Have to do This Summer

1.Have fun
2.Make smores
4.Be happy
5.Get shave ice yummy
Well I bet this list will get bigger or I'll think of some later but this is it for now!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Camdens Prayer

So here was camdens prayer at dinner last night.Dear Heavenly Father please bless Caleb and Abby and Emma and Aunt Lori and Undle Brandon and Megan and Boston and please bless the food and my soda and please bless the cougars to beat the stinky utes and in the name of jesus christ amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Moment We've All Been Waiting For...

Today is the last day of school it's a miracle.It's so great  feel like screaming and shouting WHAHOO!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom Love You!

The poem I gave my mom for mothers day,
Marvelous in every way
Ongoing and awesome no matter what
Terrific mom
Happy all the time 
Every time I need you you're there
Really kind.
I love my mom this much xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo and more.Love ya mom.Abby

Friday, May 8, 2009


If I don't post for awhile it is because one it takes a long time to make a post and two FACEBOOK!If you don't have an account get one.Reasons:It is efficient,you can talk to people
without picking up the phone and it's FUN!Please get an account.Abby

Sunday, May 3, 2009

About a Million

I love music but Megan has her favorites and I've heard them about a million times.So here it is,
Megan's Music
1.Psych Theme Song(a show we watch).
2.Tana(Hannah Montana).
3.Sugarland,It Happens
4.Cortcake(Strawberry Shortcake)
Megan's favorites 3-4.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Haven't...

                                                                Recent photo of me!
I haven't blogged for a while I have been really busy with life.Like I just started training for the 
races I will be running this spring,I am also training for the 10k I will be running this summer
(for those of you who don't know that is six miles).I also have lots of homework because we are
studying for the C.R.Ts which is the biggest test of the year.That is why I haven't blogged for a

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What is He Doing?

The other day while at the gym and we saw a guy on the treadmill jumping and running backwards and running like he had a gun in his hand.He was  wearing boots and a tank top,long pants that looked like jeans,a necklace,a green jacket and two tattoos on his arms.He was a full grown man and he was dead serious.Me and a lot of people in the gym were trying not to look at 
him but we were all looking out of the corner of our eyes and giggling this guy was hilarious.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ha Ha!

I am going to T.P my brothers room for April Fools Day.Casually Abby

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cracks and Fillings

I went to the dentist and got my first filling which wasn't bad.My mom found out she had a crack 
in her tooth yikes!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


It's snowing again will it ever stop?It's snowed at least three inches where I live.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


The temple dedication was pretty cool.My favorite part was the Hosanna Shout.It was long but
interesting.It was pretty darn cool!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

It's my mom's birthday!My mom is my hero where would I be without her.Actually I wouldn't be here.I love my mom so much!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dissapointment

Here is how my daddy daughter went.Alright so first no one could come so I went alone.When I
went they were doing pop quizzes so I couldn't do that,next we did relays against you're dad so
I couldn't do that.Then we went home so it was pretty lame.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fake or True

O.k fake or true , My parents are doing grand slam,true.Fake or true,I am learning sign language,
true.I'm out of questions sorry.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I got my first comments today I am excited!

Rome,New York?

My parents recently went to Rome and New York they just came home today and brought 
suprises they brought me earrings,a necklace,candy,a shirt and a really cool coke bottle they are
super nice things I think they are way cool but really I am just happy to have them back!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Weird Faces

Today we got sour skittles at school and every time I ate one I puckered up then finally someone
asked why are you making weird faces?I started laughing.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Something to Smile About

Today I couldn't get the car door open so I kept trying when finally I decided to try taking a
minute to think.Then a thought came to mind,Caleb was able to get out the other side so I
could climb over the seats and get out the other side.I climbed over,the door was locked so I
unlocked it.Then suddenly there was a loud BEEEEEEEEP continuously.Humiliated I realized 
I had set off the theft alarm.I then opened the car door and walked inside explained to Katie why the car was beeping and then thought of how silly this all was.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My friend,Sam is always so emotional it is ridiculous.She cries about the silliest things like when
she got tagged during tag and broke down crying and ran away and wouldn't talk to me and
my friends for three days.Ridiculous right,what should I do?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today's Quote of the Day

This morning Emma was talking about my birthday and I asked Emma"Emma,is that supposed
to be a secret"?Emma replied"If it were a secret Mom wouldn't have told me".I thought it was

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quote of the Day

My quote of the day is dinner at Costco when Emma and Caleb were rolling Hot dog bun into
balls and sticking it down their straws,Yuck!Then Emma asked ,"which one of us is weirder"
I told her ,"I can't decide".That is my quote of the day!

Its a Beautiful World

The other night we were driving up the hill and I looked out the window and gasped the stars
were gorgeous.My eyes almost popped out of my head.Recently I was in the schoolyard I
sniffed the air it had the most beautiful scent.Both times and many more I found myself
thinking it is a beautiful world.